Your brain controls and monitors all bodily functions, made up of about 1,000 billion neurons, and is one of the largest organs of the body.
The reflexes relating to the head and the neck are located on the five toes and five fingers of both feet and both hands. In your case, (paws).
Divide your foot or paw into three sections width wise. The top portion deals with the upper section of the body, the middle portion deals with the middle section, and the bottom portion deals with the lower section of the body.
WARNING: Consult a physician or a professional reflexoligist if pregnant before applying massage techniques or pressure to the reflexes. It could cause an abortion or undue miscarriage.
Disharmony starts in the aura, or magnetic field, which surrounds us. If it is not dealt with at this level, it will manifest as disease in the physical body. Because the aura interpenetrates with the physical body, we automatically work with it when treating the feet and hands. This is how reflexology can be a preventive treatment.
Like the earth which is divided into longitude sections, so is your body which are called meridians. Each meridian starts or ends on one of the toes or fingers. In your case (paws).
When a reflex or pressure point is painful for no apparent reason, it may be due to an imbalance in the meridian which runs through it. (A river runs through it. Ha, Ha.) Seriously though, blockages can deal with emotions and you may need some help getting through some of them. For instance if you're feeling pursecuted for some reason, check to see if your legs are bothering you specifically the knee area. If so, massage the leg and specifically the knee area. Get the circulation flowing, visualize oxygen into the area, and if you need some professional help, seek it.
Disharmony in the aura is "seen" as either an absence of color, or wrong colors in the wrong places. So don't forget the color wheel, the opposites of colors that cancel each other out, your chakras and the frequencies that correlate with them. But more on the subject a little later.
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