Saturday, September 30, 2006



KEYWORDS: Legal matters, education, balancing a situation.
Spiritual Meaning: The desire to achieve balance in your life.

The interpretation of The Justice card is simplified because of the number of symbols of justice depicted on the card.

The figure is holding the two-edged sword of justice, which corresponds to the Libran abilities to see both sides of any situation. The sword dispenses justice, while the scales held in the left hand weigh and balance matters so as to achieve justice for all. Therfore, one of the keywords of this card is justice. It can mean that a fair and just decision or outcome of a matter of interest to the querent will be forthcoming. It can also represent legal matters pertaining to the querent or the person to whom it is applicable in the reading.

The Number Eleven, the number of this card, is a "Master Number" and the individual components of a Master Number are not broken down or added together to reach a new number, but stand as they are. The Number Eleven denotes someone who is a teacher and /or someone who gives inspiration to others. The grey pillars of justice and the teaching or inspiration given is given with balanced wisdom.

The Justice Card also represents Karma. Karma means that you have been dealt the lessons in your life according to your actions and deeds, either in this lifetime or a previous one. These lessons are "karmic" and are a part of your life/soul education. For this reason, another keyword for this card is education (school, or lessons).

The Astrological Sign Libra, which rules this card, also denotes balance, and the sigil for Libra is the Scales. Where you find Libra you will find a weighing of the matter, a balance, and Justice.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Slow changes--always for the better, travel, legal matters.

Spiritual Meaning: Growth changes will be slow, for we must take time to learn our lessons.

The Wheel of Fortune represents man's evolution as he moves through life. The Sphinx sitting on top of the Wheel symbolizes God, or Jehovah, and is pictured holding the two-edged sword ready to cut man down if he begins to move too quickly on the path of evolution. In order to learn our lessons to the fullest, changes must be slow and cyclic. This slow evolution of man is symbolized by the snake and the jackal-headed hermanub that is around the Wheel.

The four symbols in the four corners of the card represent the four elements which are necessary for the evolution of life--Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These four elements must be brought evolutionary goals.

The number of the Wheel of Fortune is Ten. As we begin dealing with the two-digit number cards in the Tarot, you must combine the the two separate numbers to form the meaning of the combinations, (with exception of the Master Numbers.) The Number Ten contains the Number One--the ego, or the individual standing alone, and The Zero, showing the endless path of mankind.

In this card the number indicates that you are starting again, on a different path. Because Jupiter, the Astrological Ruler of this card rules "expansion", it indicates that this will be a beneficial path for you (or the person you are reading for), but the changes which it will bring will come slowly.

Jupiter also denotes legal matters and when this card appears in the spread it can deal with legal affairs.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Alone, travel, teacher, inner guidance, grandfather.

Spiritual Meaning: The master or the teacher must walk alone.

This is another card which has had much of its original symbology changed or omitted over a span of time. In the origianal cards the background is black and the light of the lantern is emanating from The Hermit himself.

The meaning of this is that he is lighting, or showing, the path for others to follow. He is the teacher, standing alone on the top of the mountain. In the Tarot, the mountains represent "the home of the Gods", or highest wisdom. He stands alone, for lighting the way for those who follow.

The Hermit holds "the staff of life" in his hand. The grey of his robe symbolizes wisdom and knowledge.

In Numerology the Number Nine, the number of this card, stands for humanity and learning, while the Astrological ruler, Virgo, means service to others.

As he is on the path himself, and showing the way to others, it means that he is travelling, not standing still. Therefore, this card represents travel.

Since the source of the light is The Hermit, it means that you, as The Hermit, must use your own knowledge to guide others. Therfore, you need to be the expert in your field and the path of imparting your knowledge to others must be travelled alone."

This can be exemplified by the keyword "grandfather", which means "the head of the family who has raised and guided his childeren with his own inner knowledge and wisdom".

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Action, good health, courage.

Spiritual Meaning: Inner strength is needed to achieve our goals in life.

The Strength Card is the female counterpart to The Magician. Just as The Magician uses the tools which he has placed before him to achieve his goals, she uses her inner strength.

If you look carefully at the card you will see that she is both opening and closing the mouth of the lion at the same time. However, she is not using force to do so, but, rather, is using her inner knowledge to achieve her goals.

Above her head is the symbol of medicine, or health. In this case it denotes good health for the querent or the person to whom it refers.

Although there is little or no "movement" shown in this card, it does show "action". The woman is "doing something", taking action, to achieve her goals.

The number of this card, Eight, is given the meaning of Strength in Numerology, also. However, it is usually associated with material gain. For this reason, when you are dealing with this card you are dealing with physical activity.

For example, if during a reading you are discussing someone who is looking for a job and this card comes up, it will indicated that they will take the initiative to actively search for a job, rather than sitting and waiting for one to come to them. The cards which surround this one will indicate whether or not they are successful in finding one through their search.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Home, car, travel, family, protecter of your own enviroment.

Spiritual Meaning: You are the protecter of your own environment.

When this card appears in a reading, you may look upon the occupant of The Chariot as "the knight in shining armor". He is there for your protection. Just as he stands there, ready to protect and defend the town behind him, this card signifies that you are being protected in some manner.

Again we encounter the theme of duality in the cards. The black and white sphinxs crouched in front of the chariot represent the male and the female, or the negative and positive which exist in each of us, and which must be brought into union, or harmony, and made to work together in harmony.

You will note the symbol of health on the front of the chariot. If you are reading for someone who is already ill and this card appears in their spread, the symbol of health, coupled with the meaning of protection which comes with the card, can be interpreted to mean that they will have protection and recovery from their health problem.

In Numerology, the Number Seven, numerical ruler of this card, represents travel and study. If you update the chariot from the days when the cards were designed, you will have a car, which The Chariot can also represent in the spread, depending upon the cards which suround it.

Astrologically, The Chariot is ruled by Cancer, which is the Ruler of the home and the family. When this card appears in the reading, it is dealing with a matter or situation related to the home and /or the family of the querent.

This is one of the cards which must be studied closely in a reading. You must decide which area of the querent's life the card appears in and study the cards which accompany it to discern which of the keywords apply in this particular reading.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006



KEYWORDS: Lover, choice.

Spiritual Meaning: Acceptance of another person as your responsibility.

Again we find that the pictorial representation of a card has been altered through time to cloak its' true meaning.

On the card you will see two trees, one of which has fruit growing on it, the other with "blossoms of fire". In the original cards there is an older woman standing in front of the tree with the fruit on it and a younger woman standing in front of the tree with the "blossoms of fire". The tree with the fruit is "the tree of life". In the ancient cards, the man was shown standing between the two women.

The symbology here is "choice". The man must choose whether he will start his path through life with the older woman, who already has knowledge of the path and can guide him along it, or he can choose the younger woman. If he chooses the younger woman, they can start their life-path together and find their own way.

In Numerology the Number Six, which is the number of this card, means "accepting the burdens and responsibilities of others." No matter which you choose---to start out new with someone at the same level as yourself, or to take the path with someone else guiding you along, you are accepting them as your responsibility.

Although one of the kewords which applies to this card is "choice", you must first look to see if this card represents a person, rather than a situation. If so, then your first keyword is what the card says--a lover, or someone else in your life. The correct keyword for each area will be determined by the cards which surround the card of The Lovers.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Marriage, intuition, higher education.

Spiritual Meaning: The union between the male and the female.

This is another card which has been changed from the original version and certain parts of it have been omitted. Perhaps this was done to confuse the "common man" who did not have access to the original symbology of the cards.

In the original, the two monks are holding the keys together, rather than the keys being attached to the base of the throne as shown in the Tarot of today. The crossed keys symbolize the union of the male and female. The Heirophant is "the pope" and the three points on his miter represent the Universe.

The roses and lilies found in many of the Tarot Cards represent the male and the female. You will find this theme of the union of the male and the female, the yin and the yang, repeated throughout the Tarot. The reasoning behind this repetition is the belief that to become truly evolved, we must achieve union between the male and female, positive and negative, counterparts within ourselves.

The number of this card is Five. In Numerology the Five means changes. It is also the number of "marriage".

Astrologically, the rulership of The Heirophant by Taurus does not signify as much to me as does the fact that Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus rules love and harmony, and in this case the harmony is achieved through the union of the male and the female.

The Heirophant also represents higher knowledge, or intuition, the true meaning of which is "inner hearing". Because it represents higher knowledge, it can be interpreted in a reading as college, or further education for the querent, or the person it refers to in the reading.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Father, leader, supervisor, or an authority figure.

Spiritual Meaning: You are laying down the foundation of your life. It may be slow and difficult, but it must be done.

The Emperor is the "Father" card. He represents the foundation of the situation or the family. This symbology is also found in the Number Four, which is the number of this card. In Numerology, Four means the foundation, hard work, plodding and physical labor.

The Emperor is pictured sitting on his throne, which is in the form of a square, the symbol of the number Four. In the square is found the base for all your plans. This would indicate that you are laying down your foundation, whether this deals with your personal life, or in business.

Aries, the Astrological Ruler of this card, is the sign of leadership, of one who stands by themself . It is the first Sign of the Zodiac and symbolizes the individual laying out the foundation for the beginning of his life.

You will note the four ram's heads around the throne of The Emperor. The Ram is the sign of Aries. He is holding the scepter and globe in his hands, symbolizing that he is the master of his own universe. The red robes worn by The Emperor symbolize "energy", and mean that the person whom the card refers to will willingly expend energy in accomplishing their goals.

When you are reading this card, your first thought should be of a father figure. It represents someone who is a father, the querent's father or someone who is a father figure to the querent. It can also be the querent's supervisor at work, and occasionally it represents the police or a government official, or someone who is an authority figure.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Mother, growth
Spiritual Meaning: Your creation of a new idea or your individual growth.

The Empress deals with love and all that it stands for in regard to its growth. Next to her throne stands a stone in the shape of a heart, with the sign of Venus carved into it.

Venus, the Astrological Ruler of The Empress, also rules love and matters relating to love. This Planet also rules growth and beauty, and where Venus is involved you find not only these, but also a love of beauty and the finer arts.

The original Tarot Cards contained symbolic representations which have been hidden or are only hinted at in the more modern versions. One thing which is only hinted at in the modern-day renditions of this card is the fact that The Empress is pregnant. Her pregnancy is the reason that the first meaning of this card is "Mother". She is the symbol of Mother Earth. You see growth all around, both in herself (the unborn child) and in the Earth.

Number Three, the number of this card, repressents family, creativity and children. The highest form of creativity is the creation of a new life.

The stream which is flowing through the woods in the background is symbolic of the emotions and the subconscious. When you encounter water in the Tarot cards, it will represent these two areas.

If this card does not stand for a mother (either the peson you are reading for as a mother, their mother, or a mother figure in their life), as determined by the layout and the cards surrounding The Empress, then it stands for growth. This growth may be of material values, money, or the birth of a new idea or business.

(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)

Sunday, September 24, 2006



KEYWORDS: Unknown, hidden, secrecy, secretary

Spiritual Meaning: Subconsciously bringing forth your hidden knowledge.
The High Priestess represents the conscious and the subconscious mind.

All around The High Priestess are the signs of duality, which is represented by the number of this card--Two. This number stands for "give and take", and in this instance the "give and take" is the knowledge which goes back and forth between the conscious and the subconscious minds. The water which flows from her robes is symbolic of the subconscious, or hidden, mind. Within herself she is both the male and the female, positive and negative, darkness and light, which co-exist in every individual.

In her hands she holds the Book of Torah, which, it is claimed, contains the secret knowledge of the ages. She has been called "the secretary of the cosmos", because she has within herself all the secret knowledge of all time. But this knowledge must remain a secret, for she is unable to share it with others. She exemplifies the unknown, the hidden, the obsure.

This secrecy is further enchanced by the Ruler of this card, the Moon. The Moon does not give forth its own light, but only reflects light from other sources.

When you are reading for someone and The High Priestess appears in the spread, it will mean just that--she cannot give forth her knowledge. As an example, the person for whom you are reading is planning a trip. Your reading shows that for some reason, hidden from you (the reader), and unknown at this time to the querent, the querent will not be able to make the trip that has been planned. Instead of cards which would present an explanation of why the trip will be called off or postponed, The High Priestess card will appear. When this occurs, the reason why the querent will not take the trip will be unknown until the event happens.

(updated 2006, All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Work, communications, medicine.

Spiritual Meaning: You are the master of your own universe and you bring into your universe that which your subconscious has shown you is needed.

The meaning of The Magician comes fron the Hermetic axiom, "As Above, So Below". This is portrayed by his action of pointing to the heavens with one hand and the earth with the other. He represents the alchemist. The true meaning of alchemy is not, as is commonly believed, to trun base metals into gold, but to turn the base personality into the golden, or Christ-like personification.

The Magician is pointing upwards, towards the heavens. This means that he takes his thoughts from the cosmic consciousness and brings them into his mind. He then weeds out what is not necessary, and manifests into his world that which he desires. To achieve his goals, The Magician uses the tools which he has placed on the altar before him. Because he utilizes the tools to which he has access to manipulate and to manifest into his world that which he desires, one of the meanings of this card is "work" and, also, "creative work".

The Number One, the number of The Magician, represents the ego, or the individual. The Magician works on his own, he stands alone in all that he does, self-confident that he will succeed in his endeavors.

He is ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet which rules the mind and communications. In this case the communication is The Magicians own thought process, with the communication going from the subconscious mind to the conscious, thinking mind.

Above the head of The Magician is the sign of infinity (resembling the figure 8 lying on its side). Whenever you see this sign in any of the Tarot Cards, it indicates "medicine". This can be a doctor, nurse, or someone else connected with the medical field.

(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)



KEYWORDS: Choice, travel, independence, freedom

Spirital meaning: Your journey through life can begin and end at any point, and begin again.

Zero, the number of the Fool, has no ending and no beginning. It is said The Fool can be placed in any position in the deck and still be in the correct position, for, as it has no ending and no beginning, the zero encompasses all numbers.

This card represents man's path as he starts through life, which is why it can be placed anywhere. Throughout each lifetime you may complete the path which you are on and start over again many times. For this reason, some decks place The Fool as the last card, some as the first card. By the same reasoning, you can place this card in the middle of the deck, for there are times in our lives when we will end our travel on one path and take another direction in life.

Uranus, the planet which rules The Fool, is the planet of changes. It is an unstable planet and where you find Uranus you will find change, usually sudden and disruptive. It well represents the path of man, who moves through life in an erratic manner, with many stops, starts and abrupt changes.

As you look at the card you see a young man strolling toward the precipice, blissfully unaware of his impending danger. The interpretation here is that there is a choice to be made. You can either look where you are going, or you can fall down from the mountain top. It is your choice. However, bear in mind that even if you were to fall down the mountain, it would not necessarily be "bad", or the end. It would only mean that you would be starting on you path again, and in many cases, this new start could be for the better.

The Fool also represents the traveller as he begins his journey on his path. He is the vagabond of olden days, who came and went as he wished. In this aspect the card can be interpreted as freedom, or it could be interpreted as flight.

(updated 2006, All rights reserved.)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Take your time to study the Tarot Cards

As you begin to study the Tarot Cards take your time and learn each one as thoroughly as you can before you go to the next card.

Lay one card at a time in front of you. Read the explanation given for the card. Look at the picture on the card and see how the symbology of the picture relates to the meaning of the card. Meditate on the card, think deeply about it and what it means. Go over its meaning again, see the picture in your mind. Look at the card again, look for any hidden meanings in the card which you did not see or understand the first time you looked at it. Read the explanation again, look at the card, and now let the picture tell you the story.

When you feel you have the picture on the card and the meaning of it firmly in your mind, go over the "keywords" which are given for the card. Put the picture, the keywords and the interpretation of the card together and memorize them. Once you have started doing readings, you will find that you can expand on the meaning of each card.

Take your time. The more time you spend on each individual card, the more you look at it, study it, study the meaning and the keywords, the better you will understand it. Understanding all the hidden nuances of each card will enable you to become a better reader.

All descriptions of the cards are based on the symbology presented in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. There are many other decks available, but I'm recommending that you begin with the Rider-Waite deck. Although the cards have the same interpretations, many of the newer decks present the pictorial symbology in a different form.

(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Myths about Tarot Cards and Recommendations


First, the myth that you should be the only one to touch your cards. That is fine, if you ignore the fact that they were made in a factory and handled by many people before they reached your hands!

For people who believe this, ritual cleansing and other rituals can be performed to make the cards "your own". Following this old tradition is personal preference, but it is important to recognize the cards for what they are - inanimate objects- which hold no special power other than what you give them. The "power" of the cards come from your mind. YOU are the source of that power. When you or the individual you are reading for shuffle the cards, you/they are putting into pictorial form what you subconsciously already know will happen in your future. Then when you lay the cards out, you interpret the pictures on the cards to form a "story". Although the Tarot Cards are an excellent method of developing your psychic abilities, you will give a very accurate reading if you read exactly what the cards "say".

Second, it is not necessary for the individual receiving the reading to think of a question first. In fact it's better if they don't, but to keep their mind clear and clutter free. If they ask a question, they will tend to think of the answer they "want" to hear. You want to avoid picking up from their subconscious mind what they think and believe will happen. What you should be reading is the order of the cards that the subconscious mind has influenced. Afterall, what will occur in your life lies in your subconscious mind and what it is saying is the message you want to interpret.

Third, that the Tarot Cards should be read "in reverse". "Reverse" means that the picture on the card is turned so as to be seen as "upside down" or "reversed" to the reader. The readers who read in this manner give a different meaning, usually negative, to the card when it is in this position. Even though a persons' life may seem upside down sometimes, the cards were not intended to be read in reverse--this is a modern interpretation and, frankly, a waste of time. There is enough symbolism in the cards to indicate when you will be going through difficult times without inventing more.

Fourth, another misconception of modern-day interpretation is that the cards will give descriptions of people. Although you may psychically pick up descriptions of people as you read the cards, the cards themselves were not meant to furnish descriptions of individuals. In the original meanings, a dark-haired person was one who "did not see the light" or situation and the light-haired person was one who did "see the light" or situation.

Not Myth- some common sense and recommendations

In order to understand the Tarot Cards, it is necessary to have some knowledge of Astrology and Numerology. For those of you who have not studied either of these, I've posted the Colors and Astrological Correlations for Tarot as a basic guide. I'll later post some correlations of numbers with the individual cards.

Doctors have spent many years perfecting their Craft--let them use their abilities. If you feel the reading shows that the person will have, or does have a health problem, the best way of handling this is to tell the person you feel they should see a doctor. This would also apply to a reading in which you believe you see a death. It is very difficult to pick up death in a reading without many years of experience. If you feel sure of what you see, the best approach is to say only that someone they are close to may be seriously ill. Remember, even for a friend, they take everything you say into their subconscious mind. Although you may have stated, quite emphatically, that you are not yet a professional and are only practicing, you will find that many of them will believe what you say and act upon it, even though they know, consciously, that you have not yet perfected your accuracy.

Use common sense when you tell anyone about a difficulty they may be facing in life. I do not mean that you should lie. To have a good reputation as a reader you must always tell the truth, but you must avoid making a difficult time seem like the end of the world.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when you are reading for someone who is going through a difficult time, stress the good things you see in the reading. Nothing is ever so bad that there isn't some good to be found. Also, whenever possible, point out the end of the difficult time period. In other words, use a little psychology when dealing with others and remember, they will subconsciously retain everything you have told them.

(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Colors Found In Tarot Cards And Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards

The Meanings Of Colors Found In Tarot Cards

White: Purity

Yellow: Revelations, intellect, meditation

Gold: Values, light, alchemy (change)

Orange: Sun, peace, happiness

Red: Health, love, energy, desire

Brown: Materialization, animal, proding

Green: Growth, organic, expansion

Blue: Aspirations, water, inspiration

Purple: Leadership, royalty

Black: Grounding, darkness, occult

Grey: Wisdom, opposites

Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards

Sign------- Symbol------- Body Control-------- Ruled By

Aires------- Ram------------- Head---------------------- Mars

Taurus----- Bull-------------- Neck--------------------- Venus

Gemini----- Twins------------ Arms, lungs------------- Mercury

Cancer----- Crab-------------- Breast, stomach---------Moon

Leo--------- Lion--------------- Heart, spine------------- Sun

Virgo------- Virgin--------------Abdomen, intestines-- Mercury/Earth

Libra------- Scales------------- Kidney, lower back---- Venus

Scorpio----- Scorpion--------- Pelvis, sex organs------ Pluto

Sagittarius-- Centaur--------- Hips, thighs------------- Jupiter/Neptune

Capricorn--- Goat------------- Knees, bones-------------Saturn

Aquarius---- Water-bearer-- Ankles-------------------- Uranus

Pisces------- Fish--------------- Feet----------------------- Neptune


(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)

Monday, September 04, 2006


The true origin of the Tarot Cards is obscured by the mists of time. What is known from historical records is that the cards first appeared during the Middle Ages in Europe, India and China at the same time. Tradition says that the Tarot is actually very ancient, but were kept hidden by the esoteric societies, who did not believe the "common man" should have access to the hidden knowledge contained within the cards.

The Tarot Cards contain information pertaining to Egyptioan initiations, Hermetic Sciences, Numerology, Astrology and the Kaballa. ( The word Kaballa is derived from the Hebrew root meaning "to receive".) It has always been believed that the average person should not receive "the secret doctrines", and in ancient times the knowledge behind the beliefs of many of the religious secs were put into pictoral form by the head of the esoteric or religious sect in an effort to keep the secret doctrines from being discerned by any except their own initiates. Even in pictorial form, many of the esoteric meanings of the pictures were cloaked, in the hope that if the cards fell into the "wrong hands", they could not be interpreted.

During the ancient eras, the priests or rabbis of the various sects travelled from village to village, teaching through the spoken word, using the symbolic pictures of the Tarot Cards as their "reference guides". This was possible only after they had spent many years of study in the doctrines and the hidden meanings behind the symbolism in the cards. It has always been believed that if you could read and understand the true meanings behind each of the cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, you would comprehend the mysteries of the Universe, from its beginning until its end. Not only do they represent the story of the Universe, they also represent the path of man as he goes through life.

There is an axiom in the Hermetic philosophy which states, "As Above, So Below". Although many think this refers only to Astrology, meaning that your Natal Chart is your blueprint for life, it also means that your course or path in life has already been determinded and can be discerned through methods other than Astrology. For this reason, the Tarot Cards can be read to predict what events will occur in your life.

If you examine your life carefully, you will realize that both the easy times and the difficult times you have gone through have lead you in a direction which you may not have consciously chosen for youself. Each direction you choose in life brings valuable lessons which furthers your growth as an individual. The path you are on today is the result of the paths you have chosen in the past and will influence the ones you will choose in the future.

The Tarot Cards do have spiritual meaning and were originally meant to be read in regard to your spiritual path in life. However, if your everyday life is not a reflection of your spiritual path, you will encounter chaos. No matter how highly evolved you may be, you must function at the mundane level. For this reason, the Tarot cards can and should be read to discover both your spiritual path and the events which you will encounter on a daily basis. To read the cards only from the spiritual mundane life is the same as seeing yourself as only half a person and not a whole individual.

(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)