Saturday, September 30, 2006





Tuesday, September 26, 2006




Sunday, September 24, 2006



Saturday, September 23, 2006
Take your time to study the Tarot Cards
Lay one card at a time in front of you. Read the explanation given for the card. Look at the picture on the card and see how the symbology of the picture relates to the meaning of the card. Meditate on the card, think deeply about it and what it means. Go over its meaning again, see the picture in your mind. Look at the card again, look for any hidden meanings in the card which you did not see or understand the first time you looked at it. Read the explanation again, look at the card, and now let the picture tell you the story.
When you feel you have the picture on the card and the meaning of it firmly in your mind, go over the "keywords" which are given for the card. Put the picture, the keywords and the interpretation of the card together and memorize them. Once you have started doing readings, you will find that you can expand on the meaning of each card.
Take your time. The more time you spend on each individual card, the more you look at it, study it, study the meaning and the keywords, the better you will understand it. Understanding all the hidden nuances of each card will enable you to become a better reader.
All descriptions of the cards are based on the symbology presented in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. There are many other decks available, but I'm recommending that you begin with the Rider-Waite deck. Although the cards have the same interpretations, many of the newer decks present the pictorial symbology in a different form.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Myths about Tarot Cards and Recommendations
First, the myth that you should be the only one to touch your cards. That is fine, if you ignore the fact that they were made in a factory and handled by many people before they reached your hands!
For people who believe this, ritual cleansing and other rituals can be performed to make the cards "your own". Following this old tradition is personal preference, but it is important to recognize the cards for what they are - inanimate objects- which hold no special power other than what you give them. The "power" of the cards come from your mind. YOU are the source of that power. When you or the individual you are reading for shuffle the cards, you/they are putting into pictorial form what you subconsciously already know will happen in your future. Then when you lay the cards out, you interpret the pictures on the cards to form a "story". Although the Tarot Cards are an excellent method of developing your psychic abilities, you will give a very accurate reading if you read exactly what the cards "say".
Second, it is not necessary for the individual receiving the reading to think of a question first. In fact it's better if they don't, but to keep their mind clear and clutter free. If they ask a question, they will tend to think of the answer they "want" to hear. You want to avoid picking up from their subconscious mind what they think and believe will happen. What you should be reading is the order of the cards that the subconscious mind has influenced. Afterall, what will occur in your life lies in your subconscious mind and what it is saying is the message you want to interpret.
Third, that the Tarot Cards should be read "in reverse". "Reverse" means that the picture on the card is turned so as to be seen as "upside down" or "reversed" to the reader. The readers who read in this manner give a different meaning, usually negative, to the card when it is in this position. Even though a persons' life may seem upside down sometimes, the cards were not intended to be read in reverse--this is a modern interpretation and, frankly, a waste of time. There is enough symbolism in the cards to indicate when you will be going through difficult times without inventing more.
Fourth, another misconception of modern-day interpretation is that the cards will give descriptions of people. Although you may psychically pick up descriptions of people as you read the cards, the cards themselves were not meant to furnish descriptions of individuals. In the original meanings, a dark-haired person was one who "did not see the light" or situation and the light-haired person was one who did "see the light" or situation.
Not Myth- some common sense and recommendations
In order to understand the Tarot Cards, it is necessary to have some knowledge of Astrology and Numerology. For those of you who have not studied either of these, I've posted the Colors and Astrological Correlations for Tarot as a basic guide. I'll later post some correlations of numbers with the individual cards.
Doctors have spent many years perfecting their Craft--let them use their abilities. If you feel the reading shows that the person will have, or does have a health problem, the best way of handling this is to tell the person you feel they should see a doctor. This would also apply to a reading in which you believe you see a death. It is very difficult to pick up death in a reading without many years of experience. If you feel sure of what you see, the best approach is to say only that someone they are close to may be seriously ill. Remember, even for a friend, they take everything you say into their subconscious mind. Although you may have stated, quite emphatically, that you are not yet a professional and are only practicing, you will find that many of them will believe what you say and act upon it, even though they know, consciously, that you have not yet perfected your accuracy.
Use common sense when you tell anyone about a difficulty they may be facing in life. I do not mean that you should lie. To have a good reputation as a reader you must always tell the truth, but you must avoid making a difficult time seem like the end of the world.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you are reading for someone who is going through a difficult time, stress the good things you see in the reading. Nothing is ever so bad that there isn't some good to be found. Also, whenever possible, point out the end of the difficult time period. In other words, use a little psychology when dealing with others and remember, they will subconsciously retain everything you have told them.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Colors Found In Tarot Cards And Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards
The Meanings Of Colors Found In Tarot Cards
White: Purity
Yellow: Revelations, intellect, meditation
Gold: Values, light, alchemy (change)
Orange: Sun, peace, happiness
Red: Health, love, energy, desire
Brown: Materialization, animal, proding
Green: Growth, organic, expansion
Blue: Aspirations, water, inspiration
Purple: Leadership, royalty
Black: Grounding, darkness, occult
Grey: Wisdom, opposites
Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards
Sign------- Symbol------- Body Control-------- Ruled By
Aires------- Ram------------- Head---------------------- Mars
Taurus----- Bull-------------- Neck--------------------- Venus
Gemini----- Twins------------ Arms, lungs------------- Mercury
Cancer----- Crab-------------- Breast, stomach---------Moon
Leo--------- Lion--------------- Heart, spine------------- Sun
Virgo------- Virgin--------------Abdomen, intestines-- Mercury/Earth
Libra------- Scales------------- Kidney, lower back---- Venus
Scorpio----- Scorpion--------- Pelvis, sex organs------ Pluto
Sagittarius-- Centaur--------- Hips, thighs------------- Jupiter/Neptune
Capricorn--- Goat------------- Knees, bones-------------Saturn
Aquarius---- Water-bearer-- Ankles-------------------- Uranus
Pisces------- Fish--------------- Feet----------------------- Neptune
.Monday, September 04, 2006
The Tarot Cards contain information pertaining to Egyptioan initiations, Hermetic Sciences, Numerology, Astrology and the Kaballa. ( The word Kaballa is derived from the Hebrew root meaning "to receive".) It has always been believed that the average person should not receive "the secret doctrines", and in ancient times the knowledge behind the beliefs of many of the religious secs were put into pictoral form by the head of the esoteric or religious sect in an effort to keep the secret doctrines from being discerned by any except their own initiates. Even in pictorial form, many of the esoteric meanings of the pictures were cloaked, in the hope that if the cards fell into the "wrong hands", they could not be interpreted.
During the ancient eras, the priests or rabbis of the various sects travelled from village to village, teaching through the spoken word, using the symbolic pictures of the Tarot Cards as their "reference guides". This was possible only after they had spent many years of study in the doctrines and the hidden meanings behind the symbolism in the cards. It has always been believed that if you could read and understand the true meanings behind each of the cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, you would comprehend the mysteries of the Universe, from its beginning until its end. Not only do they represent the story of the Universe, they also represent the path of man as he goes through life.
There is an axiom in the Hermetic philosophy which states, "As Above, So Below". Although many think this refers only to Astrology, meaning that your Natal Chart is your blueprint for life, it also means that your course or path in life has already been determinded and can be discerned through methods other than Astrology. For this reason, the Tarot Cards can be read to predict what events will occur in your life.
If you examine your life carefully, you will realize that both the easy times and the difficult times you have gone through have lead you in a direction which you may not have consciously chosen for youself. Each direction you choose in life brings valuable lessons which furthers your growth as an individual. The path you are on today is the result of the paths you have chosen in the past and will influence the ones you will choose in the future.
The Tarot Cards do have spiritual meaning and were originally meant to be read in regard to your spiritual path in life. However, if your everyday life is not a reflection of your spiritual path, you will encounter chaos. No matter how highly evolved you may be, you must function at the mundane level. For this reason, the Tarot cards can and should be read to discover both your spiritual path and the events which you will encounter on a daily basis. To read the cards only from the spiritual mundane life is the same as seeing yourself as only half a person and not a whole individual.