KEYWORDS: Slow changes--always for the better, travel, legal matters.
Spiritual Meaning: Growth changes will be slow, for we must take time to learn our lessons.
The Wheel of Fortune represents man's evolution as he moves through life. The Sphinx sitting on top of the Wheel symbolizes God, or Jehovah, and is pictured holding the two-edged sword ready to cut man down if he begins to move too quickly on the path of evolution. In order to learn our lessons to the fullest, changes must be slow and cyclic. This slow evolution of man is symbolized by the snake and the jackal-headed hermanub that is around the Wheel.
The four symbols in the four corners of the card represent the four elements which are necessary for the evolution of life--Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These four elements must be brought evolutionary goals.
The number of the Wheel of Fortune is Ten. As we begin dealing with the two-digit number cards in the Tarot, you must combine the the two separate numbers to form the meaning of the combinations, (with exception of the Master Numbers.) The Number Ten contains the Number One--the ego, or the individual standing alone, and The Zero, showing the endless path of mankind.
In this card the number indicates that you are starting again, on a different path. Because Jupiter, the Astrological Ruler of this card rules "expansion", it indicates that this will be a beneficial path for you (or the person you are reading for), but the changes which it will bring will come slowly.
Jupiter also denotes legal matters and when this card appears in the spread it can deal with legal affairs.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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