Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Colors Found In Tarot Cards And Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards

The Meanings Of Colors Found In Tarot Cards

White: Purity

Yellow: Revelations, intellect, meditation

Gold: Values, light, alchemy (change)

Orange: Sun, peace, happiness

Red: Health, love, energy, desire

Brown: Materialization, animal, proding

Green: Growth, organic, expansion

Blue: Aspirations, water, inspiration

Purple: Leadership, royalty

Black: Grounding, darkness, occult

Grey: Wisdom, opposites

Astrological Correlations For Tarot Cards

Sign------- Symbol------- Body Control-------- Ruled By

Aires------- Ram------------- Head---------------------- Mars

Taurus----- Bull-------------- Neck--------------------- Venus

Gemini----- Twins------------ Arms, lungs------------- Mercury

Cancer----- Crab-------------- Breast, stomach---------Moon

Leo--------- Lion--------------- Heart, spine------------- Sun

Virgo------- Virgin--------------Abdomen, intestines-- Mercury/Earth

Libra------- Scales------------- Kidney, lower back---- Venus

Scorpio----- Scorpion--------- Pelvis, sex organs------ Pluto

Sagittarius-- Centaur--------- Hips, thighs------------- Jupiter/Neptune

Capricorn--- Goat------------- Knees, bones-------------Saturn

Aquarius---- Water-bearer-- Ankles-------------------- Uranus

Pisces------- Fish--------------- Feet----------------------- Neptune


(Updated 2006, All rights reserved.)

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