KEYWORDS: Father, leader, supervisor, or an authority figure.
Spiritual Meaning: You are laying down the foundation of your life. It may be slow and difficult, but it must be done.
The Emperor is the "Father" card. He represents the foundation of the situation or the family. This symbology is also found in the Number Four, which is the number of this card. In Numerology, Four means the foundation, hard work, plodding and physical labor.
The Emperor is pictured sitting on his throne, which is in the form of a square, the symbol of the number Four. In the square is found the base for all your plans. This would indicate that you are laying down your foundation, whether this deals with your personal life, or in business.
Aries, the Astrological Ruler of this card, is the sign of leadership, of one who stands by themself . It is the first Sign of the Zodiac and symbolizes the individual laying out the foundation for the beginning of his life.
You will note the four ram's heads around the throne of The Emperor. The Ram is the sign of Aries. He is holding the scepter and globe in his hands, symbolizing that he is the master of his own universe. The red robes worn by The Emperor symbolize "energy", and mean that the person whom the card refers to will willingly expend energy in accomplishing their goals.
When you are reading this card, your first thought should be of a father figure. It represents someone who is a father, the querent's father or someone who is a father figure to the querent. It can also be the querent's supervisor at work, and occasionally it represents the police or a government official, or someone who is an authority figure.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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