KEYWORDS: Legal matters, education, balancing a situation.
Spiritual Meaning: The desire to achieve balance in your life.
The interpretation of The Justice card is simplified because of the number of symbols of justice depicted on the card.
The figure is holding the two-edged sword of justice, which corresponds to the Libran abilities to see both sides of any situation. The sword dispenses justice, while the scales held in the left hand weigh and balance matters so as to achieve justice for all. Therfore, one of the keywords of this card is justice. It can mean that a fair and just decision or outcome of a matter of interest to the querent will be forthcoming. It can also represent legal matters pertaining to the querent or the person to whom it is applicable in the reading.
The Number Eleven, the number of this card, is a "Master Number" and the individual components of a Master Number are not broken down or added together to reach a new number, but stand as they are. The Number Eleven denotes someone who is a teacher and /or someone who gives inspiration to others. The grey pillars of justice and the teaching or inspiration given is given with balanced wisdom.
The Justice Card also represents Karma. Karma means that you have been dealt the lessons in your life according to your actions and deeds, either in this lifetime or a previous one. These lessons are "karmic" and are a part of your life/soul education. For this reason, another keyword for this card is education (school, or lessons).
The Astrological Sign Libra, which rules this card, also denotes balance, and the sigil for Libra is the Scales. Where you find Libra you will find a weighing of the matter, a balance, and Justice.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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