The Universe is expansive and expanding, never ending.
Astrologers study the sky because it gives them an experience of universal order. They do not seek to detach themselves from the universe and its rhythms as the scientists do, but rather identify themselves with these rhythms. Because a human being is a constellation of the same powers that form the planets in the sky, we should also recognize our own solar systems within our own body of energy. Knowing and using our chakra energy, pressure points and understanding our own meridians we can live according to the rhythmical cyclic movement of the planets which, taken together, symbolize the basic functions of the total human being.
For thousands of years, astrology has been based on the belief in the exisitence of cosmic forces, planetary rays or vibrations which directly influence life on this planet and force individuals to do certain things or to experience certain events. However, I would like to state that there is nothing totally predetermined and you have the free will to make a choice between accepting or rejecting them, to fulfill the potentiality or else to forfeit it. But you must take total responsibility for your choice, astrology is not responsible for them.
Every moment in time is a part, aspect, or phase of an all-encompassing reality and has its essential meaning only with referrence to this all-emcompassing reality. So the study of Astrology becomes interconnected between all factors and between the future and past in every present moment-between the universe macrocosm and the individual mircrocosm.
Astrology is the science that explores the action of cosmic forces upon animate and inanimate objects, and their reactions to such influences. It deals with angles between the planets and their observed effect upon humanity. The birth chart is the starting point and set between the ancestral past and the individualized future, revealing how you can become what your potential is.
By understanding ourselves we can also know the Universe.
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