ACUPOINT: Abbreviation for acupunture point. An energetic pore in the skin through which subtle energy from the surrounding environment is carried thoughout the body via the meridians, supplying nutritive ch'i energy to the deeper organs, blood vessels, and nervous system.
ASTRAL: Refers to the energy/matter octave or frequency band just beyond the etheric. Because the astral body is strongly affected by emotionality, astral energy is often emotionally-linked.
ASTRAL PROJECTION: The process of separating the astral body from the physical and etheric bodies producing what is often referred to as out-of-body experience or OBE.
ASTROLOGY: The art and science of divination, by the position of the sun, moon, planets and stars relative to a position on the surface of the Earth. At any given moment in time, the planets can be interpreted as a map of the subtle forces and factors in play. When a person is born, an event takes place, or a question is asked, the characteristics of the exact moment in time when these things happen are mirrored from the galaxies or (heavens), and can be read by those who know how.
AURA: The magnetic energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. The aura is made up of all the different energy shells that compose the physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher spiritual aspects of the multidimensional human form.
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: The body's automatic/unconscious regulatory nervous system, which is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
AXIATONAL LINES: Energetic lines which connect biocellular activities to higher energetic inputs. The axiatonal lines connect higher energetic in formational grids to the physical body through the acupuncture meridian system.
BIOELECTRICAL/BIOELETRONIC: An electrical network of information transmission and cellular repair mechanisms in the body. Also refers to electronic switching and control mechanisms within and between cells.
BIOENERGETIC: Any type of electrical, eletromagnetic, or subtle energetic forces which are generated by living cells, as well as subtle energetic fields.
BIOFIELD: The energy field which surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. The biofield is made up of magnetic and electromagnetic energies generated by living cells, as well as subtle energetic fields.
BIOMAGNETIC: The energy generated by living cells, including both conventional magnetic fields as well as subtle magnetic fields, i.e. etheric.
CAUSAL: The energy frequency band or octave just beyond the mental level.
CAUSAL BODY: The subtle body which is composed of causal substance. It is the level at which human consciousness stores all experiences gained during its many incarations on the physical plane.
CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES: The right and left halves of the cerebral cortex, the highest center of function within the brain. The left hemisphere controls analytical and linear thought, while the right hemishere controls intuitive, symbolic, and non-linear thought processes.
CHANNELING: The phenomenon whereby an individual allows a higher level of consciousness to flow through them, often verbally, as in trance channeling, but also through automatic writing.
CHAKRA: An energy center in the body which is a step-down transformer for higher subtle energies. The chakras process subtle energy and convert it into chemical, hormonal, and cellular changes in the body.
CH'I: The ancient Chinese term for a nutritive subtle energy which circulates through the acupuncture meridians.
CLAIRAUDIENCE: The psychic ability of hearing at higher vibrational levels. It is mediated by energy processing at the level of the throat chakra.
CLAIRVOYANCE: The psychic ability of seeing higher subtle-energy patterns, (from the French, literally meaning "clear seeing"). An aspect of the brow charka.
CLAIRVOYANT REALITY: A state of seeing and feeling that transcends the superficial senses. It is an experience of seeing events occur beyond the confines of time and space boundaries, which can often allow one to experience the interconnectedness of all things on other planes of reality besides the physical.
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