KEYWORDS: New start or new beginning, wisdom, justice.
Spiritual Meaning: You are ready to begin on your new path, for having finished your travels on one path, you are ready to begin anew.
Here we see the Archangel Gabriel blowing his horn and the people rising from their graves. The people are all of the color grey, which is the color of wisdom. This symbolizes that they have achieved the wisdom they needed to complete their old path and to start on their new path. Again, we find a card of new starts and new beginnings.
The new beginnings indicated by this card are joyous ones. The sea, on which the coffins are floating, represents the Sea of Life and the people are seen as coming from that sea to answer the call of Gabriel's horn. It is also important to note that they are welcoming the call "with open arms", indicating that their call to a new life is a welcome one.
Pluto, the Astrological Ruler of this card, is the Planet of great changes and regeneration. This card in a spread would indicate that you are in for a great change in your life and the cards around it would show what area of your life is likely to change. However, unlike the destruction implied by The Tower, it will not be necessary to tear down your foundations to achieve these changes.
In Numerology the number Twenty, which is the number of Judgement, is the highest form of the Number Two, which means the perfect union of the male and female, give and take. It would indicate that inner balance has been achieved and lessons which were necessary have been learned.
This card may also be looked on as a "karmic" card, for it indicates that since your Last Judgement you have learned your lessons in life and have achieved the wisdom to begin anew. For this reason, it also represents law or justice.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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