KEYWORDS: Success, freedom, release, studies completed.
Spiritual Meaning: When you have successfully completed one path you are ready to begin on a new one.
The Sun represents freedom and release, just as the naked child astride the white horse symbolizes release from the need of restrictions. The sunflowers blooming in the background show growth. The Sun, portrayed as shining so brightly on everything below it, gives life and light to all on whom it shines.
Numerologically, the number of this card, Nineteen, combines to make the number One. One means new beginnings, new starts. In this instance, The Sun card, it also means completion--completion of one path and a new start on a new path.
When you reach The Sun you are nearing the end of your path, but in this instance it indicates the completion of something, not an ending, or destruction as shown by Death or The Tower. As an example of what I mean when I say "a completion", I have found that it often indicates the completion of studies, and it is likely to appear in the cards spread for someone who is near graduation from some form of higher education.
In this example, "graduation", you can see the application of the first two paragraphs. The graduate finds "freedom" and "release" from the "restrictions" of the requirements of the now "blooming", for The Sun has been bringing "light" (enlightenment--knowledge) to him and the completion of his studies will result in a better "life". Having now reached The Sun, the graduate has reached an ending of one path, the path of studies, and starting on a new path--putting those studies to use in his life.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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