Friday, October 20, 2006

Power Number

Your power number is a summation of all your personal numbers, which direct you through your life but are more noticeable and effective in the latter years of your life.

To find your power number, add your birthdate (day, month, and year) reducing it to a single digit + the total of your full birth name = reduced digit of the total summation.

Keep in mind that number 11, 22, and 33 are Master Numbers, not to be reduced.

The One
1= A, J, S
2= B, K, T
3= C, L, U

The Many
4= D, M, V
5= E, N, W
6= F, O, X

The All
7= G, P, Y
8= H, Q, Z
9= I, R, &

Condensed version of the "characteristics of numbers" in a name.
0= the potential of all numbers. It can be all or no-thing.
1= inventor, pioneer, creator, leader, originator, individualist.
2= peacemaker, diplomat, musician, statistician, clerk, libraian.
3= artist, speaker, writer, entertainer, humorist.
4= builder, farmer, government employee, politician, mechanic, clerk.
5= traveler, salesman, detective, psychologist, adventurer, writer.
6= teacher, parent, civic worker, doctor, nurse, decorator, cook.
7= thinker, philosopher, psychic, perfectionist, writer, teacher.
8= analst, executive, organizer, business promoter, lawyer, banker, editor.
9= philanthropist, traveler, healer, humanitarian, minister, actor, doctor.

11= idealist, speaker, religionist, psychic, writer, diplomat.
22= internationalist, practical master builder, ambassador, diplomat, president.
33= avatar, spiritual master, universal leader of a movement.

Also refer to the Major Arcana of the Tarot (from this site) for additional numeral meanings.

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