To find your power number, add your birthdate (day, month, and year) reducing it to a single digit + the total of your full birth name = reduced digit of the total summation.
Keep in mind that number 11, 22, and 33 are Master Numbers, not to be reduced.
The One
1= A, J, S
2= B, K, T
3= C, L, U
The Many
4= D, M, V
5= E, N, W
6= F, O, X
The All
7= G, P, Y
8= H, Q, Z
9= I, R, &
Condensed version of the "characteristics of numbers" in a name.
0= the potential of all numbers. It can be all or no-thing.
1= inventor, pioneer, creator, leader, originator, individualist.
2= peacemaker, diplomat, musician, statistician, clerk, libraian.
3= artist, speaker, writer, entertainer, humorist.
4= builder, farmer, government employee, politician, mechanic, clerk.
5= traveler, salesman, detective, psychologist, adventurer, writer.
6= teacher, parent, civic worker, doctor, nurse, decorator, cook.
7= thinker, philosopher, psychic, perfectionist, writer, teacher.
8= analst, executive, organizer, business promoter, lawyer, banker, editor.
9= philanthropist, traveler, healer, humanitarian, minister, actor, doctor.
11= idealist, speaker, religionist, psychic, writer, diplomat.
22= internationalist, practical master builder, ambassador, diplomat, president.
33= avatar, spiritual master, universal leader of a movement.
Also refer to the Major Arcana of the Tarot (from this site) for additional numeral meanings.
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