HOLOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLE: Holograms are unique in that they represent an energy interference pattern in which every piece of the hologram contains the information of the whole.
HYPERNUMBER: A term coined by mathematician Charles Muses to characterize certain numbers, typified by the square root of -1, which may be useful in describing the mathematics of higher dimensional phenomena.
KARMA: The reincarnational principle, sometimes stated as "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." An energetic system of credits and debits, or checks and balances, which allows the soul to experience the full range of perspectives on life.
KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY: An electographic process, pioneered in Russia by electrical engineer Semyon Kirlian, which uses the corona discharge phenomenon to capture the bioenergetic processes of living systems on film.
KUNDALINI: The creative energy of spiritual illumination which is stored as the spine. It is a subtle energy which, if properly released, can cause activation and alignment of all of the major chakras of the body.
LAYING-ON-OF-HANDS: A general term for a type of direct, hands-on type of of healing, sometimes referred to as psychic healing or magnetic healing.
LIGHT BODY: Another term for subtle body.
MANTRA: A word or sound which, when repeated to oneself during meditation or relaxation, helps one to achieve an undistracted meditative state of consciousness.
MEGNETIC HEALING: A type of hands-on healing which works primarily at the etheric level.
MENTAL: Refers to the energy band or octave of subtle energy which exists between the astral and the mental levels.
MERIDIAN: A microtubular channel which carries a subtle nutritive energy (ch'i) to the various organs, nerves, and blood vessels of the body.
MOTOR CORTEX: The strip of cerebral cortex which controls voluntary muscle activity in the body, adjacent to the region which processes sensation. Both are sometimes referred to collectively as the sensorimotor cortex.
MULTIDIMENSIONAL: Refers to the total spectrum of human energies, ...physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher spiritual levels.
NADIS: The thread-like subtle paths of energy flow from the chakras to the various regions of the body. Meridians have physical components, whereas nadis are non-physical.
NDE: Near Death Experience. An experience in which an individual is resuscitated from a near-death state and reports events viewed from outside of the physical body.
NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The phenomenon employed in magnetic resonance imagers to selectively excite certain atoms for visualizaton.
NUMEROLOGY: The Science of Numbers--numbers or symbols which have a metaphysical value with a definite meaning within them denoting inner dynamic characteristics shaping one's destiny.
OCTAVE: Refers to a frequency band of energy, ...physical octave, etheric octave, etc., which are analogous to octaves of notes on the piano keyboard.
Also note--The chakra system resonates to the octave from C (root) to B (crown) on the music scale.
OOBE: Out-Of-Body-Experience. Another name for astral projection.
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