A couple books worth reading and researching for extended knowledge of Astrology and electro-magnetics.
The Body Electric
by Robert O. Becker M.D. and Gary Seldon
"We must concieve of the first living things as something unexpected, not just similer versions of what we see around us. They couldn't have been cells; they couldn't have had a DNA-RNA-protein system, a living membrane, or a nerve impulse network.
We can try to define the bare minimum, the processes that must be available before an entity can be called living. There must be a way to receive information about external conditions, process it, and store it so that the data change the being's response to the same stimulus in the future. In other words, a sort of crude consciousness and memory must present from the first. A life form must also be able to sense damage and repair itself. Third, we can expect that it would show some sort of cyclic activity, perhaps tuned primarily to the circadian rhythm of the based theory, can be dispensed with. An organism that can fully heal its injuries is theoretically immortal. The criteria for life can be summarized as organization, information processing, regeneration, and rhythm."
Cycles of Becoming by Alexander Ruperti
Circulation of energies within the solar system--Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti
"Accordingly, all planets have a two-fold meaning, first in terms of their progressive exteriorization of solar energy from the Sun outward to Saturn, and secondly in terms of the progressive evolutionary return tide from Saturn back to the Sun, which signifies a growth in consciousness. The energy symbolized by the Sun, is a primal undifferentiated solar potential sweeping out into the universe and modified progressively by each planet it touches. Mercury is the first differentiator of the solar life-force, Venus the second. Thus, these two inner planets define the essence of all concrete manifestation - the electro-magnetic field. Mercury provides the electricity and Venus the magnetism. Mercury-electricity is the type of electricity which scientists have now found to be the dynamic core of organic life - the potential in all living organisms that makes cellular inter-changes possible. Flowing through the nervous system, this energy makes muscular activity possible and conveys sensory impressions to the brain, providing a physiological foundation for thought processes. Mercury symbolizes both the rhythm of this bi-polar, oscillatory, alternating current, and the special character of the electric potential which it makes available to the organism out of the vast reservoir of impersonal solar life-force. In the birth-chart, Mercury represents not only the nervous system itself, but more profoundly the quality of the organic electrical potential which animates it. The cycles of Mercury measure the changes of polarity in the distribution of this electrical potential; its position in relation to the Sun at birth will establish the type of electrical polarization in both the nervous system of the individual and also in the etheric body which is the energy counterpart of the physical organism.
Venus, the second differentiator of the solar life-force, then attracts this electric potential and gives it an archetypal form--creating an electro-magnetic field. Just as a magnet induces iron filings to assume a definite, though invisible, pre-existing pattern, Venus-magnetism can be described as the power to give form. Involuntionary Venus is therefore the symbol of all seed-patterns--that which gives all matter its unique magnetic and cohesive strength. Thus, Venus refers to what is often called the "Higher-Self" the latent spiritual archetype toward which the living and growing human personality may conform if one lives true to one's solar impulse, ie., one's reason and purpose for being. It is not the spiritual essence as such, but rather the potential inherent in all matter to be what it truly is.
The next step in this involutionary tide is Mars, symbolizing the power of initiative. Before the essential solar-purpose of a person's destiny can be released into effective action through Mars, it must first be polarized by the electrical and nervous function of ones organism(Mercury) and then be given a particular form by the Venus magnetic field. Thus Mars represents the impulse to act according to one's particular character with its particular needs. This is what differentiates Mars energy from solar energy. The Sun in the birth-chart indicates the direction of the source of one's spiritual potential. Through the Mercury-Venus electro-magnetic field this solar potential takes on an individual character and quality, becoming organic power for individual use and according to an individual purpose. Then, according to the particular function and character of the individual, Mars is the means of release of this power in outward action and initiative. This means that Mars' action is conditioned by the quality and quantity of Mercury's electrical potential (necessary for Martian muscular activity), and by the particular character, needs and values which establish a person's uniqueness of being -- one's archetypal form by Venus."
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