What's In A Name?
Each name has a vibratory rate. Your first, middle, and last name. Each name separately, changes the aspect of the whole name.
This is why people having the same total number often differ in characteristics.
Your first name, the one you are know by is your active name.
Your middle name which is the bridge connecting your first and last name is the passive name.
And your last or family name shows hereditary traits.
If you go by your first and middle name such as Martha-Sue, or Billy-Joe, both first and middle name carry equal importance. If your name is Michael, and you go by Mike, then you would have more vibratory rate of the name Mike, than of the name Michael. Your full name tells what you must do in life to fulfill your purpose, and the direction you should take. (Refer to the meanings of numbers, in previous post.)
Aspects Of Numbers
Constructive: A constructive person makes an effort to be a leader or pioneer rather than a follower. This type of person, tries to build up not tear down, and makes an effort to succeed by ones own will power.
Negative: An individual who is neither up or down and always follows the crowd. This type of person does not contribute anything constructive to life and lacks the courage to express ones self.
Destructive : An individual who never sees the bright side of anything.
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