KEYWORDS: Disruption, uprooting changes.
Sprirtual Meaning: Nothing remains the same unless you are willing to tear down your foundation to start a new one.
This card is representative of The Tower of Babel. It depicts God tearing down the foundation of man. This is illustrated by the men falling from the tower and the crown. The crown represents your higher self or enlightenment, and is shown being struck by lightning, along with the Tower. This indicates the swiftness of the action, tearing down, or uprooting which is taking place.
The Tower is ruled, astrologically, by Mars. Mars is the Planet of energy, swiftness and uprootings, and where you find this Planet you find activity and swift action taking place.
The Tower card is unlike the Death card, for here there is not automatically something which will replace that which has been torn down. Once your foundation is torn down by unexpected circumstances, all you can do is start over again and build another one. The cards which are around this one will indicate what type of uprooting is to be expected.
This uprooting is not necessarily an unhappy occurence. There are times when we need to tear down our foundations so as to build new ones for our own betterment. For example, if "The Star" card were near, it would indicate that the upcoming event would be an event which you would desire, even though you may not consciously believe that it will take place. It is also important to remember that once your foundation has been torn down nothing will remain, and it will be up to you to start over again.
Number Seven, the combination number of this card, certainly well represents the meaning of the number Seven+ --" expect the unexpected". This means that what is indicated is not something we were consciously expecting, for most of us are not expecting, or ready, to start over again.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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