Wednesday, October 11, 2006


CRYSTAL GRIDWORK PATTERNS: Crystals arranged in geometric arrays which have an amplified or synergistic effect greater than the sum of the individual crystals, often used for specific healing and meditative practices.

DOWSING: Another term for radiethesia. An intuitive skill used for finding hidden or lost objects and mineral resources, and for diagnosing illness.

EGO: The incarnating personality as expressed through the physical body.

ELECTROGRAPHY: A general term for Kirlian photography or corona discharge photography.

ELECTROMAGNETIC: For psychic tuning context, a wide spectrum of energy which moves at the speed of light.

ENERGY BLOCKAGE: A general term referring to the interruption of the natural flow of subtle energy through the human energetic system, often due to abnormal function in one or several chakras.

ETHEREAL FLUIDIUM: That part of the etheric body which surrounds the physical body and carries the life-force to the individual cells.

ETHERIC: The frequency band or octave just beyond the physical octave. Etheric energy or substance vibrates at speeds beyond light velocity and has a magnetic character.

GEOMANCY: A form of divination or dowsing skill used to locate prticular geographical regions which may harbor water sources, mineral deposits, and natural focalizations of earth energies.

HIGHER DIMENSIONAL: A term that describes subtle-energy systems which vibrate at speeds faster than light, such as non-physical energies.

HOLISTIC: A synergistic approach which deals with the combined physical, mental, emotional, and spirtual aspects of human health and illness.

HOLOGRAM: A three-dimensional image created by an interference pattern of two interacting laser beams.

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