PARANORMAL: A term used to describe psychic phenomena, ...telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, etc.
PARAPHYSICAL: Refers to non-physical or subltle energ
etic phenomena.
PHANTOM LEAF EFFECT: The phenomenon in Kirlian photography by which a physically destroyed leaf fragment reappears in the image taken of the amputated leaf. The phantom image represents the etheric body of the missing leaf fragment.
PHYSICAL-ETHERIC INTERFACE: The interface between the physical and etheric bodies, made up largely of the acupuncture meridian system. This interface serves to link physical with non-physical structural information fields and life-forces.
PHYSIO-KUNDALINI SYNDROME: An observed syndrome of left-sided body pains and dysfunction, likely caused by spontaneous or meditation-related stress release from the cerebral cortex.
PIEZOELECTRIC: A phenomenon observed in crystals whereby physical pressure is converted into electrical fields and vice versa. For instance, in a phonograph needle, a crystal translates vibrational pressures into electrical signals, which are then converted back into music and speech.
POSITIVE SPACE/TIME: The physical universe of energy and matter which vibrates at speeds less than (or equal to) light velocity.
PRANA: An ancient Hindu or yogic term for a nutritive subtle-energy thought to be taken in during breathing.
PSI: General term for psychic phenomena.
PSYCHIC HEALING: Refers to various types of hands-on healing. Psychic healing can be subcategorized into various types of energetic interaction, ...magnetic healing, spiritual healing, psychic surgery, etc.
PSYCHOTRONIC: A general term often used to describe devices which utilize various types of psychic or subtle energies to perform their function. In another definition, "psychotronics" is a term sometimes used to describe the science of studying subtle energies.
QI: The Japanese term for ch'i, sometimes spelled "qi" or "ki." The subtle nutritive energy which flows through the acupuncture meridians.
QUANTUM PHYSICS: The branch of physics which studies the energetic characteristics of matter at the subatomic level.
RADIESTHESIA: A psychic perceptual ability of being able to sense various types of subtle energetic radiation.
RADIONICS: Sometimes referred to as psionics, that branch of esoteric science which seeks to psychically diagnose energy imbalances in the human multidimensional system using instrumentation at a distance from the patient. A typical radionic device operates on the principle of reasonance using a "witness" as a vibrational focal point for the radionic operator to tune in to.
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