REINCARNATION: A philosophy of the soul having multiple lives (incarnations upon the physical plane) in order to achieve a higher level of integraton and spiritual maturation.
RELAXATION TECHNIQUE: A mental or physical practice which can allow the mind and body to enter into a more relaxed state. This includes various mental techniques such as mantra repetition, progressive relaxation affirmations, and muscle contraction/relaxation approaches.
REMOTE VIEWING: A more recent scientific term for clairvoyance. Refers to the ability to psychically perceive visual information about targets separated from the subject by either distance or appropriate shielding.
SENSORY CORTEX: That area or strip of the cerebral cortex which processes the information of senstations coming from the body.
SONOPUNCTURE: An energetic form of acupuncture which uses high-frequency sound waves instead of needles to stimulate acupoints.
SPIRITUAL HEALING: A form of healing which operates on the lower physical and etheric levels, but also corrects energetic disturbances at the emotional or astral, mental, and higher spiritual levels.
SUBCONSCIOUS: That part of the personality which dwells below the surface of waking consciousness and controls automatic human functions. It subliminally records all information taken in by the senses and is conditioned/programmed by rewards, punishments, and messages that subtly build up our internal pictures of self-worthiness.
SUBTLE BODY: A term referring to any of the subtle-energy bodies which exist in the higher frequency octaves beyond the physical, ...the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies.
SUBTLE ENERGY: A general term denoting energy that often exists outside the ordinary or positive space/time frame, ...magnetoelectric (ME) energy which moves faster than light.
SUPERCONSCIOUS: That part of the higher soul structure which is usually unconscious but accessible to the personality. The superconscious contains higher wisdom, whereas the subconscious relates with the personality of a six-year-old child.
SYNAPSE: A specialized meeting point between two nerve cells which allows the impulse/message from one cell to be carried on to the next nerve cell. The synaptic junction is an extremely close meeting place between two adjacent nerve cell membranes where an electrical message is changed into neurotransmitter release and then converted back into an electrical message.
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