KEYWORDS: Success, promotion, travel, change of address.
Spiritual Meaning: When you have learned your lessons in life you will receive the rewards.
The foremost keyword of this card is "success". In The World, everything has come together at last. Portrayed on the card are the "four worlds"--Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Earth is represented by Taurus, the Bull. Aquarius, a human form, symbolizes Air. Leo, the Lion, is the highest reresentation of Fire, while the Eagle, the higher evolvement of Scorpio, is the symbol of Water.
Fhe figure portrayed on the card symbolizes the final union of the male and female in all of us, for the upper part is the figure of a woman, while the lower part, the legs, are those of a man. The scarf which is wrapped around the figure is Purple, the color of royalty, or "one who rules". This would symbolize that when this stage has been reached the person is the ruler of his own world.
In this card, Twenty-One, the number of this card, represented by the number Three, the combination number of the Two and the One, stands for the highest form of creativity. This creatibity can well be the achievement of a "new life" through the attainment of a higher stage of evolution.
The planet Saturn, Ruler of this card, means the teacher and restrictions. However, like a good teacher, it also means that once you have learned your lessons in life you will receive the rewards which you have earned and the restrictions will be eased.
The World is the higher octave of The Wheel of Fortune and as the higher symbol of The Wheel, it can also represent travel. It may also indicate a change of address, or, that once you have completed your current path you will move on to others.
If this card is in the right position in the spread it could indicate that a promotion is coming your way. This would be your "reward" for a job well done.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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