KEYWORDS: Fulfillment, inspiration, good health.
Spiritual Meaning: Through the balance of the conscious and the subconscious minds you can achieve what you desire.
This card is very much like the Temperance card. Here again we see the figure with one foot on the earth and one foot in the water, balancing between the conscious and the subconscious minds. However, instead of balancing the water in the pitchers between her conscious and subconscious minds, and containing it in some way, she is pouring water into the pool and is also pouring some on the earth. This action symbolizes that she is fulfilling both her conscious and subconscious desires.
If you look closely you will see that the water which she is pouring on the ground is spilling over, running from the earth into the pool. This indicates that your desires have spilled over from your conscious to your subconscious mind and you are fulfilling both.
In Astrology, Aquarius, the ruler of this card, rules the Eleventh House of friends, hopes, wishes and desires, therefore, one of the meanings of this card is the fulfillment of your greatest hopes and wishes.
The number Eight, which is the combination number of this card, corresponds to business and finances. This indicates that through the understanding and balancing of true values, both monetary and spiritual, you can achieve what you desired or hoped appears in a spread, it can denote that the querent will attain the fulfillment of their desires, and it can also indicate that the querent will have good health.
(Updated 2006. All rights reserved.)
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